Choosing to be a Small Business Owner

I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. Even as far back as elementary school I knew. I enjoyed learning to be a teacher and I loved my teaching career. I still enjoy discussing education strategies and theories. But, after I became a mom it wasn’t the same for me. I was struggling with the mom guilt of putting all of my energy into other people’s kids and not having enough for my own. When I had the opportunity to stay home with my kids instead of going back I jumped on the opportunity. It was not an easy transition, and being a stay at home mom is no less draining than teaching was for me. But it is a decision I have been happy about every day over that past almost ten years. (Especially when seeing what the teachers had to deal with during the pandemic.)

Now that all of my children are in school full time my husband and I started talking about what the years to come will look like for me. Did I want to go back to teaching full time? Did I want to start subbing to be in the classroom but have a little more flexibility? Or did I want to do something completely different? So, with my husband’s faith and support in me, I decided to challenge myself to do more with my creative outlet. That is how Atlee Breen Designs came to be.

I have always enjoyed crafting and creating. One of my very favorite ways to show my love is creating personal gifts . And I just love when my niece says, “do you think you can make me this?” I am taking all of that and trying to turn it into a business that will allow me to have a creative outlet, feel like I am doing something productive for myself and my family, and still have the flexibility to continue be available for my kids. It has been a learning experience so far. I always planned to be a teacher. I never planned to have my own business. I have had plenty of moments of wondering if this was the best choice for me. But today, I had a little clarity.

Last night my oldest woke me up in the middle of the night after getting sick. I got very little sleep helping him, then worrying that he would wake up again. Then I had to do the mom thing of checking on him every few hours while he slept the morning away. While taking care of him though, I did not have to call in sick to work. I did not have to cancel on a sub job. I was able to stay in my comfy clothes, work on an order for some custom products, and work on creating some new products for my shop all while listening for him to wake up. I was able to spend my day babying him a bit (which doesn’t happen often anymore) and still get work done. And that, that is why I have chosen to do what I am doing. I am learning a lot, doing something to make myself and my family proud, and still be available for my family.